Enjoy the Long Weekend!


For some reason, it seems like all the holidays this year are falling on a Monday, which means there’s no Mortgage Monday blog post again this week.  But hey, who wants to be thinking about mortgages on a long weekend with BEAUTIFUL weather, right?

Most people refer to this yearly holiday as the May 2-4, it’s actually Victoria Day that gives us this 3-day weekend.  Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about Victoria Day (because I know you’re dying to know):   😉

[quote style=”boxed”]Victoria Day is a federal Canadian public holiday celebrated on the last Monday before May 25, in honour of Queen Victoria’s birthday. The date is also, simultaneously, that on which the current reigning Canadian sovereign’s official birthday is recognized. It is sometimes informally considered as marking the beginning of the summer season in Canada.  The holiday has been observed since before Canada was formed, originally falling on the sovereign’s actual birthday, and continues to be celebrated in various fashions across the country on the fixed date.  It is a statutory holiday federally, as well as in six of Canada’s ten provinces and all three of its territories.[/quote]

So there you have it.  Now get back outside and enjoy what’s left of this beautiful long weekend!

By Tim

Tim is a mortgage agent in Barrie who specializes in helping first-time home buyers. He works with a variety of lenders and can help customize a mortgage with the best rates & options that fit the needs of each customer.

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